Prayer Requests


We praise our Heavenly Father for all the wonderful things He has allowed us to witness and share with you over the last 19 years for His children in Vietnam. And, we thank each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support that has enabled us to share the love of Jesus with so many in Vietnam.


We currently have 74 children signed up to attend our VBS Camp to be held on June 17-20. Please pray God will provide a sponsor for each child, the many adult volunteers needed, and every child attending shown and shared the love of Jesus to make this a successful VBS Camp Please pray God will draw the many non-believers signed up to attend our VBS to Him, give them understanding of the Gospel, and open the eyes of their heart to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.

We are so excited to have 21 children signed up to attend our VBS Camp from the Montagnard village of Tanh Linh. This is new ground for us. Please pray for God’s protection on their families and He will give them the strength to stand firm against any persecution that the enemy might use to discourage them from attending.

We have purchased our tickets and will be returning to Vietnam on May 13. We have made our plans, but we ask for prayer that God will guide our steps by giving us wisdom, guidance, favor, and strength to accomplish all He has planned for us on this trip. May His name be glorified in all we do in the precious name of Jesus.

We praise God and thank each of you who have given to our building fund to build a 2nd orphanage/love house to be able to separate the boys from the girls as many are entering their teenage years. Plus, this will give us the room to take in many more children. Please pray God will provide the remaining funds needed so we might start construction after our VBS Camp this summer.

Please pray God will lead us to the right land attorney in Vietnam this summer to advise us on how to add 2 more people to the church property deed.

Please pray God will bring a person to Binh Chau with plumbing skills to resolve our ongoing water issues.

Please pray God will open the door for us to publish Mai’s Eternal Way Gospel message on our next trip to Vietnam by providing someone in Vietnam to edit her presentation in Vietnamese.

“How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you.” 1 Thessalonians 3:9

About This Site

Jesus in Vietnam Ministries, is a compassion ministry founded by Dennis and Mai Spencer. Vietnamese families suffer from deprivation, lacking sometimes even the necessities of life. In obedience to the many Scriptural commands to help the poor they are enabling families to survive in difficult circumstances. When shown mercy these families are very receptive to the Gospel. The Spencer’s also focus on children, who are the future church of Jesus Christ in Vietnam. Watch The Video About Jesus In Vietnam Ministries Here


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